Spotify a anunțat care e cea mai accesată melodie prin serviciul lor. Din toate timpurile (adică de vreo 6 de când e serviciul ăsta care nu a accesibil la noi).
Melodia cu pricina e Lean On by Major Lazer & DJ Snake (with MØ) și a fost accesată de 526 milioane de ori.
Diplo (Major Lazer) a declarat:
We wrote this song with MØ very early from an instrumental Jr Blender created in some sessions in Trinidad. It was a strong hook but the production was lacking an attitude we needed. A year later I remixed the song at a completely different tempo and asked Dj Snake for a signature post chorus. After he did his thing me, MØ and Blender rewrote the song at the new tempo in Las Vegas and made something very unique that became our album’s lead-off single. We’re super proud of this song.
Photo credit: Blixt A. via / CC BY-NC-SA