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[11 august] Prima sesiune de shopping online: Phil Brandenberger (din Philadelphia) și-a folosit cardul de credit pentru a achiziționa un singur obiect online – un CD cu albumul lui Sting, “Ten Summoner’s Tales” la prețul de 12,48 $ (plus transport). [The Cut]

Beverly Hills Internet (BHI) lansează Geocities, care permite utilizatorilor să creeze siteuri cu tipuri de zone urbane.

Cum arăta homepage-ul site-ului în 1994:

BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012;  Historic amazon page.  They might look more like a 15-year-old's GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world's biggest websites. The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube - which receive millions of hits per day - at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today's web users.  These early versions of some of the world's most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts.  With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it's hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day.  (Credit; newsteam).
BIRMINGHAM, UNITED KINGDOM, JANUARY 18, 2012; Historic amazon page. They might look more like a 15-year-old’s GCSE IT project, but these screenshots reveal the humble beginnings of some of the world’s biggest websites.
The homepages of internet heavy-hitters like Amazon, Twitter and Youtube – which receive millions of hits per day – at the time of their launches are almost unrecognisable to today’s web users. These early versions of some of the world’s most clicked-upon sites look incredibly basic compared to their present-day counterparts. With their plain colour schemes and emphasis on text rather than images, it’s hard to believe that they developed into the colourful, content-heavy pages that millions log on to every day. (Credit; newsteam).


Pasionată de social media și online, am început să lucrez în online în 2006 și în social media din 2008. De la administrare de site-uri la construirea prezenței în social media a unor branduri mari - reviste precum Cosmopolitan și Marie Claire. Ulterior, am ocupat poziția de Social Media Manager la Kiss FM, cel mai popular post de radio din România. 📱 În prezent, sunt Social Media Specialist freelancer, mereu în căutarea proiectelor provocatoare care să mă inspire și să îmi permită să creez strategii eficiente pentru branduri diverse. ▪ e proiectul meu de suflet, prin care ajut antreprenori și specialiști din domeniu să fie la curent cu tot ce e nou în social media.

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